
We provide an AI-driven, intelligent, patient-centered solution to help support patients and their caregivers at each step of the healthcare journey, from education to medication adherence and setting goals for weight management.

Real Time answers

Make online healthcare communications as simple - and as powerful - as a conversation. Provide real time answers 24/7, send important reminders and create a community for your patients.  

scalable engagement

Invite patients to open a dialogue with a virtual healthcare expert on video. Create a predictable, scalable and cost-effective, as well as personalized patient engagement model.

other Programs we've successfully launched 

ONS Oral Chemo Guide

When people think of chemotherapy, they usually think of going to a hospital or clinic and being connected to an intravenous drip or getting an injection. But now, more and more cancer patients are being treated with Oral chemotherapy drugs – cancer medications that you take by mouth, just like most other medications. The Oncology Nursing Society recognized patients and their families needed answers and reassurance about these drugs and their cancer journey on a 24/7 basis. MedRespond was chosen to create this important patient education program.

Supportive Care Options

Persons living with terminal illness and their families face many complex decisions. Supportive Care Options initiates a dialogue about many of these decisions; responding to a prognosis, reviewing options for care; documenting treatment decisions, finding support and answering financial concern questions. In addition, Supportive Care Options leads viewers through a decision support tool. This tool can be printed and used to open a discussion about patient values and priorities.

For a full list of programs we've successfully launched get in touch!